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uPVC Conduit Pipes are used for cable routing, in which wires are installed and routed in the electrical system, providing protection from shocks, and protecting cables from mechanical stress and abrasions that harm the insulation.

TMT Plus Conduit Pipes are made from the best PVC resin. This ensures enhanced safety from electrical shocks and, the long life of power supply systems makes them the best electrical pipe for house wiring, industries of various kinds, and commercial buildings.

The Size availability is as per the standards in the range of 19 mm – 63 mm.

Purpose and Importance of Conduit Pipes

Conduits are installed in indoor or outdoor settings and are used to protect homes and official buildings from electrical fires. They also keep the aesthetics, even as some say enhance it, of the buildings intact.

Conduits are also used to route electrical wiring in residential and commercial buildings. TMT Plus uPVC Conduit Pipes are good conductors of electricity and don’t allow the current to flow through the pipe, but carry the current safely across the building. This factor becomes all the more crucial when using large and heavy equipment such as electric generators, motors and exposed wires.

Conduit pipes help in expanding the use of electrical wiring and also when there’s a need to rewire the supply in the building.

Customisation Options

If you’re looking for stock fittings or custom conduit ones, TMT Plus has a diverse range to provide you with the best. Our team is committed to providing customers with easy-to-install and safe conduit wires which specify all the standardisations required for the building.

Available in Black, White and Gray, the rigid electrical conduit pipes are used in Light Mechanical Stress (LMS), Medium Mechanical Stress (MMS) and Heavy Mechanical Stress (HMS), supporting a wide range of applications and uses.


uPVC Conduit FRLS

Optimum Heat Insulation | Best Safety Standards | Smooth Finish

FR Conduit Pipes

Optimum Heat Insulation | Smooth Finish | Best Safety Standards

Bends and Fittings

Weather Proof | Sturdy Design Shock Resistant

Pvc Junction Box

Excellent Insulation | Smooth Finish Durable & Easy to Install


  • Corrosion-resistant: uPVC conduit pipes do not react with water and air as compared to metal. This makes them immune from contracting corrosion and they last long.
  • Rigid and Flexible Options: Rigid pipes are sturdy and durable, known for their resistance to blows. Rigid variants are excellent for places that require additional need for strength. Plus, they have flame-retardant properties. Meanwhile, flexible variant is used in places where changes would be done in the future and hence they’re installed to provide adaptability. The nature of this conduit makes it easy to use around corners, curves, and other such obstacles, making the requirement for additional fittings redundant.
  • Shock-proof protection: Conduits prevent contact between electrical wires and flammable material. They provide a safe path for current to flow, ensuring the working of appliances in buildings, but insulating us from the damaging harms of current.
  • Fire Resistance: The making of uPVC conduit pipes ensures that they become resistant to catching fire while being used in the system. The presence of chlorine acts as a natural flame retardant, giving it the property to act as a barrier to catching fire.
  • High Impact Strength: The wide use of uPVC Conduit Pipes across various sectors is also due to the property of exhibiting resistance to chemical presence, working under a wide range of pressure, significantly improving its sturdiness.
  • Excellent Elasticity & Flexibility: The PVC resin across various specifications and types of materials provides a range of materials that can be used to expand, bend, and be modified across the length and breadth of rooms in buildings. This gives the option of flexibility which helps in modifications in the future when expansion or redrawing of wiring is needed.
  • Versatility: Our uPVC pipes have a wide range of applications across various sectors, i.e. from the electrical wiring to the conduit wiring required for the transfer of information highways in the age of fast data and telecommunications. Conduits are a seamless system through which there’s very little resistance by the medium. Hence, the purpose of the service loses minuscule or negligible energy while traveling from the source to the receiver.
  • Smooth Interior: The smooth interiors ensure that the medium of conduit optimises the service for which it is used. Such a design also provides long-lasting usage.
  • Environmental Considerations: The carbon footprint of PVC is lower than its counterparts used for providing conduit services. Additionally, PVC material can be recycled multiple times, and what makes it even better is that, it doesn’t lose its excellent features as listed above.
  • Lightweight: uPVC Conduit Pipes are lightweight and easy to hold, carry, and transport in bulk. This feature also helps in hassle-free installation and when the need arises to change and reinstall.

Where You Can Use This Product?

Technical Specification

Nominal size(mm) O.D(mm) Tolerance On O.D(mm) LMS MMS HMS
20 20 -0.30 17.40 16.90 15.80
25 25 -0.40 22.10 21.40 20.60
32 32 -0.40 28.60 27.80 26.60
40 40 -0.40 35.80 35.40 34.40
50 50 -0.50 45.10 44.30 43.20


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